More war, anyone?

Not only has BushCo. begun an intensified sabre-rattling campaign against Iran in recent days, but this weeks' revelations about US gov't thinking on Syria and the Israeli air strikes of last September should give us all something to think about. At base, is the Bush administration worthy of our trust? If BushCo.'s past record is any indication, then the answer is a resounding "no". Scott Ritter opines on the Syria issue, raising some good questions.

Here's a curious tale of issues and loyalities along the border of Afghanistan and Pakistan in the neighborhood of the Khyber Pass.

A report from the RAND corporation states that 300,000 vets have mental health problems and 320,000 have brain injuries. Meanwhile, back in Iraq, America proceeds with it's project to spread democracy and... entertainment? Could things be any more twisted?

Now, would someone at the table please pass the peace?

