A change in the weather...

Is Hillary correct? Has the tide turned? Eleanor Clift, Beltway gadfly, says she sees what this would mean for Washington's culture going forward - there would be a "settling of scores", reminiscent of the fictional Corleone family of Godfather fame. That's an interesting comment, because Laura Bush once compared the Bush family to the Corleones. Hmmm... Wouldn't it be nice not to have a mafia-type family in the White House? Yet another reason to stop the dynastic progression in American politics before it gets out of hand...

Speculation on why the US and Israel released info this week on that Syrian site bombed last September.

What the Pentagon obscures from view - the funerals of soldiers (Thanks to DD).

Kevin Phillips takes the plunge...

Hundreds of thousands of servers hacked. I hope yours wasn't one of them...

It's sunny and reasonably warm in Portland... for a change.

