
5 ways to trigger a natural disaster. Can This Planet be Saved? Perhaps... "Major Discovery" from MIT Primed to Unleash Solar Revolution.

Why did the Doha Round of trade talks fail? India and China said no to the US. For White House, Hiring is Political.

'"One does not have to believe everything is true," a priest tells Joseph K in "The Trial." "One only has to believe it is necessary."

I've looked, and I can't find a better summation of the Bush administration's logic.' - Louis Bayard writes in "How Kafka-esque is Kafka?"

What could you do to improve things around the world with $10 billion? Bjorn Lomborg and the Copenhagen Consensus have some good ideas. Just think... if the Bush administration had done some of these things instead of wasting blood and treasure upon an act of folly, the world would be a better place already.

