Victory! Oh, wait...

As President George Bush said yesterday when asked how he measures success in Iraq, the only way to measure success is through "victory... and success." Not everyone agrees with the rosy assessments of the White House. A report from the National Defense University sees things differently.

Victory isn't just eluding Bush. Hillary's got her own problems, too. Our favorite Goldwater Girl is slamming Democratic activists such as So much for her '68 street cred.

Dahlia Lithwick on the Supreme Court and capital punishment. Seems the Court is moving in a dangerous direction. I hope no torture related cases make it to the Star Chamber...

The American Duopoly: Red? Blue? False dichotomies make things worse.

Is the CIA a "Good Shepherd"? Um... not likely. Ken Silverstein at Harper's has a post up about a new book "Our Man in Mexico", by Jefferson Morley. Worth a look.

