The big story of the day is that the writer and intellectual Christopher Hitchens submitted to being "water-boarded" to determine whether or not it is torture. His finding? It is torture.

So, now that Mr. Hitchens has determined that the United States of America has used torture in it's War on Terror (turning it into a War of Terror) and since the Geneva Conventions and other treaties to which the United States of America is a signatory forbid torture and cruel and inhumane treatment, will Mr. Hitchens now stand up and declare that the United States has committed systematic war crimes, and advocate the prosecution of those who ordered and established the systematic use of torture, including those in the Executive Branch who signed-off on the program? Christopher Hitchens was man enough to undergo water-boarding, and I commend him for his bravery. Now, is he man enough to stand up for what is right and denounce those who ordered the use of torture?

I wait with bated breath...

One more thought... How come he couldn't fucking figure it out before?

