It's not over yet...

Billary rides to glory amidst defeat. Maybe we should start calling them Bevita, as in Evita... This tune is getting old. Maybe it's because of this, and that has something to do with being Consumed. Or maybe not...

There are mavericks, and then there's John McCain, a sort of short maverick, riding a merry-go-round pony.

Oil prices keep climbing, especially for political candidates. But they should remember that oil and democracy make strange bedfellows.

Class consciousness is inbred...

In the final reckoning, ends don't justify means. Even a Neocon can say "I don't see anything good that has come from this war".

Those contrails look so pretty in the sky... and so does this guy, who has entered the 2008 NBA Draft.

Rainbow Conversation by Stereolab...

