The Invisible Hand?

Free-Market Fundamentalism has been driving our economy for the last three decades. Adam Smith has been trotted out alongside Burke at every opportunity in order to promote free markets. Where has that gotten us? George Soros thinks we need more regulation, but not too much. Everything in moderation. Meantime, the housing mess is deepening. There are now 2.3 million homes vacant and for sale. As Andrew Leonard over at Salon points out, that means there are roughly 24 empty houses for every homeless person in the United States. Maybe we should just give each one and solve a problem for a change.

Who is the most powerful figure in Iraq? Bush? Maliki? Sadr? or is it an Iranian General? So, how's things going in Afghanistan you ask? Not well. More broadly, what's next in the Global War on Terror? Good question.

As for politics here in the Homeland, there are mountains and there are molehills. But don't get too dispirited - after all, it's sunset in America.

