Heckuva Job!

So, it turns out that in the wake of the sub-prime disaster that the proposed overhaul of regulatory agencies by the Bush Administration will do more harm than good. It's like deja vu all over again... maybe it's time to buy gold bars? Stiglitz writes of economies in crisis. The IMF warns of a serious crisis, as the housing market collapse settles in across the pond.

Condi busts a move, while a hero of sorts emerges from the slime. Back in the late 60s, my brother had a button that said "J. Edgar Hoover Sleeps With a Night Light". The latest revelations about our surveillance state make that seem so... quaint. A Ballardian Primer on surveillance cameras. Cost of the Secret Service to protect Dick Cheney six months after he leaves the White House? $4 million. 2008 Olympics torched in Europe, but beware the Olympian Ideal. Welcome to the world of McMafia.

BLDG BLOG just keeps posting interesting stuff.

Hmmm... let's see here... Christopher Hitchens doesn't like Hillary, and he doesn't like Obama. So, if he doesn't like either of them, umm... then that means he does like John McCain? Maybe he digs that whole "bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb-bomb Iran" thing?... You see, with Hissy Fitchens it's always a matter of a process of elimination. If he's not writing about you, then you can rest assured that you remain in his good graces.

